Thursday, August 29, 2013

Poor Baby

Since we've told everyone else by now…we're having a baby! So there will be some updates in the future of all the green baby things we find along the way. 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

New Heat Pump Update

I mentioned a few months ago that we had a new heat pump installed. Well, it has been up and running and even though it is cooler this year where we live the AC has been kicking on quite a bit. So far our electric bill/energy usage is down about 30%! Even with the cooler weather that is a huge improvement.

I can't wait to see what it will save us in the winter. Check to see if you heating/cooling system needs an upgrade and make sure you use a high-efficiency energy star model!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Friday, August 9, 2013

Lab Grown Beef And How It Can Change The World

If you haven’t seen it yet there is hamburger that was grown from cow stem cells, tasting here. While this is unsettling and disturbing on one level there are huge ramifications if the price can be brought down.

photo from

Imagine a world where we didn’t have to raise so many cows for slaughter. There wouldn’t be the huge methane gas being belched and farted into the air every day. There would be no more factory farms. And there would be no more rain forests getting burned down to plant grain and soybeans to feed them. In fact the last two can be fed to the hungry people instead of to cows so rich countries can eat them.

It’s still a long way off, but if this could be combined with more efficient building and cars, renewable energy, and reusing everything we could, we’d have climate change on the ropes.
